On little joys

Big artists create big art. One is drawn to comprehend and humbly grasp it; it helps us grow and carry out the inner work of our soul. But we also need to see beauty in our daily life — something bright and shiny. Or something fun and cute. Or warm and fuzzy — something we can hold so close to our body, or something we can put on a shelf and glance at it when we are sad. Something that can put a spark in our eyes any day — and melt the heart.


Sometimes the work of a great artist remains cold. Yes, it may be beautiful, majestic and filigreed, all the while appearing soulless. It may resemble the immaculate work of Kai as he fashioned the word “eternity” in the Snow Queen’s palace. But a child’s work, albeit unskillful, may usher in a sea of warmth. It is real, filled to the brim with the joy of being and the celebration of creation.


My pieces are like this. They are all alive and genuine. They may appear simple, imperfect or resemble a compound sentence. But they are talking with you, hoping to bring you joy.


They all turn out to be different. I think of my studio as a summer camp of joy : )








I don’t make finery. I create toys which bring joy to your soul when it plays with them. When a woman studies jewelry, she does is with the eyes of an adoring little girl. Look what your hand is seeking.  That’s your piece. The girl knows which toy will bring her the most joy. Don’t ask whether it’s trendy or fashionable. Just pick what the little girl inside is referring to when she whispers: “Please, buy me this gorgeous toy!”







From a very young age, girls’ eyes tend to light up when they see colorful beads or a shiny brooch, and they instinctively want to pull them closer. It’s a deeply-rooted force, a feminine longing from within, without which most of us cannot live. What can be so charming in a bunch of beads pulled together on a string? A certain rhythm that brings order to disparate energies? A calming harmony of varying color combinations? A delicate smoothness that caresses the skin? A sense of completeness an adornment brings to any outfit? The sparkle and shine of surfaces at play with each other? I believe — all of the above.


You can always find jewelry for your business and celebratory side, a piece of jewelry as a tiny accent of color or a statement piece evocative of fireworks. It will be the ideal complement to your hand-crafted look and something that will reveal your new self to you.




